Passive bargaining on t-mobile / voicestream pricing plans

I had been using Voicestream GSM mobile phone service for a while because they are the only one that does GSM and I need GSM for roaming in Europe and Asia. I had a very old pricing plan, $60 for 600 national minutes. Voicestream is now t-mobile, owned by Deusche Telekom. They also have new pricing plans that are better. So I called them to "review my account". My current (old) price plan is $60 (well, $59.99) for 600 national minutes without unlimited weekends. They now have a $40 plan that offers the same and with umlimited weekends. Since I exceed the 600 minutes frequently, I want to move to a higher plan. Their current $60 plan offers 800 minutes, additional minute is 40cents. Next one is $100 for 1400 minutes.

I was trying to decide between the new $60 and the $100 plans. Is it worth the $40 difference for another 600 minutes? After "trying to decide" for a while, the rep finally offer a special plan of $60 (same cost), but 900 minutes and additonal minutes for 35 cents. Pays to do (passive) bargaining !